New data debunks trustee stereotypes
How often is it said that many SMSF trustees simply don’t have the market smarts to handle their investment portfolios?
Up-to-date, specialised strategy is core component of an SMSF professional’s arsenal. SMSF Adviser analyses and interprets regulatory and legislative changes to ensure the SMSF sector is kept informed on the tips, tools and best practice for serving SMSF trustees.
How often is it said that many SMSF trustees simply don’t have the market smarts to handle their investment portfolios?
Below, we take a look at some of the key international issues facing SMSFs today and the practical skills needed to ensure that these ...
With the accounting world in the midst of change, the Institute of Public Accountants (IPA) is hopeful new regulations will benefit ...
The Coalition has repaid the faithful with its decision to abolish tax on $100K earnings in the pension phase.
A new ATO release (TD 2013/22) provides further guidance for contribution reserving. In many ways, it is very similar to its predecessor, ...
Although property acquisition can be mesmerising for SMSFs, there are some key risks that need to be considered
As readers will be well aware, hardly a week has gone by in recent times when one regulator or another has failed to issue a warning about ...
The challenge facing SMSF practitioners is to provide affordable advice amidst necessary changes.
The interaction between the small business concessions and superannuation can produce invaluable results.
Since the Australian Taxation Office's (ATO’s) release of interpretative decision ATOID 2012/16, I have seen a growing number of people ...