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Up-to-date, specialised strategy is core component of an SMSF professional’s arsenal. SMSF Adviser analyses and interprets regulatory and legislative changes to ensure the SMSF sector is kept informed on the tips, tools and best practice for serving SMSF trustees.

Latest Strategy

A stocktake of superannuation policy

With the next federal election to be held in 2019, we provide a recap of the substantial changes to superannuation introduced by the ...

The new world of ECPI

Calculation of ECPI in 2017/18 is more complex than in the past for accountants, actuaries, advisers, software providers and trustees.

What does AI mean for superannuation?

Artificial intelligence and robotics are being heralded as a productivity revolution from which no industry is immune, but what does it ...

Cryptocurrency versus the auditor

Cryptocurrency will appear in many 2018 financial statements for SMSF clients. What audit evidence do auditors need and how can they make ...

Keep your cash at the ready

A potential rise in volatility in markets could provide SMSFs with an opportunity to snap up high-quality assets more cheaply where they ...

Three-year audit cycle fraught with danger

Conducting audits once every three years will see errors and misstatements made in the first year snowball into bigger issues in subsequent ...

PAYG withholding on legacy pensions

An issue that advisers may not be aware of as we head towards the end of financial year is the tax treatment of certain pension payments ...


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