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AMP releases digital application for SMSF accounts

By sreporter
11 June 2020 — 1 minute read

AMP Bank has announced the launch of online applications for its SMSF deposit accounts as part of a push for a more efficient experience for trustees.

The managing director of AMP Bank, Rod Finch, said both individual and corporate trustees can now apply for a new SMSF account online, making it a simple and efficient experience.

“We know SMSF trustees, often people with busy lives, really value an online and simple sign-up process for the most competitive products, particularly in current times,” he said.

Mr Finch said clients aren’t required to have a linked account with AMP Bank, so they can transfer funds easily between its SuperEdge Saver account and any external account held by the SMSF.

“Making the process even more efficient is an ability to validate identification online, so for most applicants, this means no need to send us copies of passports and trust deeds, eliminating another time-consuming task,” Mr Finch said.

“This is an important continuation of our ongoing investment in the bank’s digital capability, allowing us to further strengthen the support and service we offer our clients as well as our important broker and adviser partners.”


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