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Treasurer calls for calm on super tax debate

By Katarina Taurian
March 16 2015
1 minute read

Treasurer Joe Hockey has said while superannuation will “obviously” feature in the forthcoming tax white paper, it’s imperative the proposals aren’t automatically assumed to be government policy.

In the lead up to the release of the tax white paper, calls to have superannuation tax concessions scrutinised and changed have intensified.

For example, Taxpayers Australia’s superannuation products and services manager, Reece Agland, has previously told SMSF Adviser the “excessively generous” deductions in superannuation available to the wealthy are unsustainable and need to be considered in any genuine tax reform process.


At a doorstop interview on Friday, Mr Hockey stressed the importance of “proper conversations” at the release of the white paper.

“We have a taxation discussion paper that’s going to be released in April. Obviously, superannuation will be part of that,” Mr Hockey said.

“Without people rushing off and saying, ‘These new proposals are going to be government policy’, please let’s have the community engage in proper conversations about issues and not try and close down a conversation after 24 hours or 48 hours or just seven days.

“I mean, really, we’ve got to get out into the community; engage in conversations about our future as a nation.”