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New investment research service targets SMSF trustees

By Aleks Vickovich
November 19 2013
1 minute read

Career stockbroker Shawn Hickman has launched an investment advisory and research website aimed at SMSF investors.

The subscription-based information service, MarketMatters.com.au, will offer asset allocation and portfolio construction stock-picking intelligence across a number of asset classes.

However, Mr Hickman, the founder and principal of Market Matters, said that while self-directed investors are the core target market, he anticipates working closely with advisers working in the self-managed superannuation space.


“We welcome interest from third-party advisers and consultants to SMSF investors and think there are opportunities to work together,” Mr Hickman told SMSF Adviser.

A former Goldman Sachs and JB Were trader in equities, derivatives and futures, Mr Hickman still trades with Shaw Stockbroking, under whose AFSL Market Matters will operate.

Unlike some other research services, Mr Hickman said Market Matters is unique in that he gives subscribers access to his own investment behaviour and personal portfolio return information.

“I trade my own money the same way I advise my clients to trade and am prepared to be transparent as to my own portfolio’s performance,” Mr Hickman said.

This aspect of the service may help SMSF advisers seeking to ensure compliance with the Future of Financial Advice best interest duty, he added.