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Europe leads drop in global investor confidence

By Sarah Kendell
January 02 2020
1 minute read

Investor confidence around the world fell in December, driven by a decline in confidence in Europe in particular with the possibility of a hard Brexit still looming, according to data from State Street Global Markets.

State Street’s Global Investor Confidence Index for December showed that confidence had fallen 1.3 points, from 81 in November to 79.7 in December. The decrease in the index was primarily driven by a large drop in confidence from European investors, from 133.9 in November to 109.4 in December.

At the same time, investor confidence in North America and Asia increased during December to 71.6 and 89.9 respectively, according to the data.


The index measures investor confidence by assigning a number based on changes in investor risk appetite and allocations to growth versus conservative assets over time. A reading of 100 is neutral and suggests investors are neither increasing nor decreasing their allocations to risky assets.

State Street Associates head of investor behaviour research Rajeev Bhargava said while investor confidence had declined dramatically in Europe over the month, the region was still ahead of North America when it came to optimism around the state of investment markets.

“Investor sentiment in North America continues to lag behind its European and Asian counterparts,” Mr Bhargava said.

“While still below the neutral level of 100, optimism around a workable China trade deal appears to have lifted the appetite of Asian investors.

“Interestingly however, the bounce in risk sentiment did not transmit to Europe, where investor confidence fell sharply this month, possibly from a combination of weaker economic data and continued uncertainty of a hard Brexit on the region.”