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ATO ramps up SuperStream take-up efforts

By sreporter
October 13 2015
1 minute read

The ATO is assisting employers in select industries, through a communication program, with the implementation of SuperStream for small businesses.

In a public communication, the ATO said it is delivering practical help and information through email and SMS to registered businesses across 22 industries.

The relevant industry associations are being contacted and the tax office is hosting dedicated SuperStream online information sessions.


The ATO's national program manager for data standards and e-commerce (SuperStream), Philip Hind, said data collected by the ATO indicates particular types of small business may need more practical support to start using the new streamlined super payment process.

“These businesses typically rely on manual processes and lack close business support partners,” said Mr Hind, adding that they are usually found in industries that include trades, hospitality, agriculture and construction.

“Over 350,000 businesses nationwide have already made the switch to SuperStream, including around 250,000 small employers,” he said.

“The priority for us now is to provide practical help and support to those who make superannuation payments on behalf of their employees, particularly those that aren’t frequently online or connected.”

Mr Hind said using SuperStream will reduce the payment of super for employers from hours to minutes.

The ATO reminded employers that SuperStream started for small businesses with 19 or fewer employees on 1 July this year and that they have until 30 June 2016 to be fully compliant.




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