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SuperAuditors collaborates with electronic signature provider

By sreporter
29 September 2015 — 1 minute read

SMSF auditor SuperAuditors has integrated DocuSign’s technology into its audit portal, allowing clients to process, store and send important trustee SMSF documents to any trustee.

According to SuperAuditors, documents are generated within the audit portal and populated with SMSF and SMSF trustee details and they are then sent to the DocuSign website.

Once the details reach the website, DocuSign sends email invitations to the specified recipients, inviting them to e-sign a document.

SuperAuditors said the SMSF trustees are guided through the whole process and are asked to input information at specified locations within the document, which are marked by tags.

“These tags have been previously embedded into the document by SuperAuditors. They mark specific locations where each recipient is asked to ‘Sign here’ and where their name, title and date signed will be placed,” the firm said.

When all signing is complete, SuperAuditors and each of the trustees will receive an email with a PDF of the fully-signed documents.

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