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Speaker Presentations

Aaron Dunn -Navigating the new era of SMSF document management

Craig Day- Stay ahead of the game

George Haramis - SMSF Check-up Report

Liz Westover - SMSF Property Issues

Meg Heffron - SMSF strategies for older clients

Clinton Jackson & Scott Hay-Bartlem - Navigating the challenges of getting money out of an SMSF before and after death

Partner Resources

accountantsGPS - moneyGPS Value Proposition

Act 2- Does my SMSF require an Actuarial Certificate?

Heffron - Strategy Landscape 2023/24

Learn about the latest insights and trends shaping the future of SMSFs for your business
and clients including a deep dive on establishments, contributions, the super gender gap
and who the proposed $3 million super cap will impact most. Download the Class Annual
Benchmark Report here